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Signant web services

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Current web service version: 1.0.7


The Signant web service functions make it easy for you to integrate electronic signature into your existing business applications. You may integrate the signature services from either web applications, desktop and mobile applications or other SOAP enabled platforms.


The services in brief

While the basic concept is simple, you may want to integrate the services in an way that is optimal for your requirements.



A signature posting is created and committed to the service. Signatories receive notifications, and may sign while the signature posting is active, typical within a few days or weeks. Finally you download the signed documents.
Suitable for: One or more documents to be signed, several signatories can be in different locations, signing priority

A signature posting containing one document to be signed is committed to the service. The service returns a link to execute the signature wizard immediately. You will receive a notification of signed document.

Suitable for: One document to be signed immediately by the user(s) currently active in a web form session.

Perform identification and age verification of natural persons.

e-Seal and company signature with enterprise certificates on hosted or cloud enabled Hardware Security Modules (HSM)

Note: Please study the difference between a Normal signature posting and the Instant signature posting. You may also combine the two services. E.g by sending an already signed document from the Instant signature service to be signed by more recipients with the Normal signature posting service.